Sunday 6 December 2009

1 month in

So i was hoping to post some pictures but for some reason my camera lead has decided to stop working... i am on the case of sorting it out.

There has been some movement within the first month - my front two teeth are almost straight and no longer over lap that much -plus they have a little gap between them - its amazing how much can change n a month!

No change really at the bottom.

My eye tooth (?) at the top seems to have moved down quite a lot too

and it seems that what I had been told was a chip on my front tooth - may not be a chip at all but the other side of the tooth may be longer... confusing - but I get what I mean.

It really would be a lot easier to explain with pics...hmmm

1st adjustment was super painful on the top teeth and barely felt it on the bottom teeth. May have to consider an injection to numb my mouth next time. eeeek.

I wonder if anyone reads this...hmmm